The Love Note Project

         “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”                                                    ~~   Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)

I started The Love Note Project on May 8, 2014, and for 365 consecutive days I wrote (by hand) and mailed (using stamps) a note card to someone in my life. I even wrote to complete strangers who I had read or heard about and whose story touched me. 

You may wonder what led me to take on such a project. I’ll be honest—I was feeling pretty down at the time.

I was still healing from my experiences as a hospital chaplain, and one afternoon in early May 2014 I decided that I needed to actively do more to help myself feel better. I needed to do something that was loving, positive, and meaningful in order to get myself out of the rut I was in. I needed to do something that would distract me from thinking of my own woes.

I’ve always enjoyed writing notes to family and friends, and I knew that the simple act of writing to someone always gave my spirits a lift. Within thirty minutes I made several decisions: I would write to someone each day for a year, I would start that very day, and I would call it The Love Note Project. My 365th consecutive day of note card writing was on May 7, 2015.

I don’t write out a note card every day anymore, but still do write them quite often. I know how I feel whenever I pull a handwritten card out of the mailbox, open it up, and feel the love, support, encouragement, and strength coming from the sender. You know what I’m talking about.

Won’t you join me in lifting someone’s spirits this week? You don’t need a fancy note card or stationery. Any sheet of paper will do. It doesn’t have to be lengthy. Just put your love into each word as you write. I can guarantee that whoever you send that note to will feel it. You will make their day!

Doing small things with great love. We can all do that!