“Float Plan”

“That’s a great book,” said the male voice a few feet behind me. He had apparently noticed me taking the book off the top shelf, which was at eye level for me.

I turned around and saw the title “Manager” on the Barnes & Noble ID tag pinned to his polo shirt.

It was an overcast Friday afternoon, October 5, 2018, and my husband, Rick, and I had decided to take a day trip to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland. Whenever we can, we try to include a visit to the large Barnes & Noble store, located near the National Aquarium. We hadn’t been there but five minutes when the book in my hands, Float Plan, was praised so highly.

“Do you know who that is?” the manager asked, referring to the author, Rob Hiaasen.

“Yes, I do,” I said, “What a horrible tragedy that was.”

I knew that Rob Hiaasen and four of his co-workers at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, had been the victims of a mass shooting in the paper’s newsroom, on June 28, 2018. Hiassen had been the assistant editor.

The Barnes & Noble store manager, a friendly and gentle-voiced man in his fifties, was, by then, standing alongside me. He nodded as I acknowledged Rob Hiaasen and what had happened.

“Everyone here was very affected by it,” he said, “especially since Rob Hiaasen’s daughter works here at the store.”

It took a second for his statement to register   

“HERE?” I said. My voice rose a couple of pitches and my eyes widened to the size of walnuts as I spoke. The reply that followed stunned me even more.

“Yes,” he said. “In fact, here she comes now.”

I looked to my left and saw a tall, lovely young woman, I guessed in her twenties, walking toward us. I imagine it was the sight of her manager that brought her our way. Did she have a question for him?

She was quickly standing in front of us, next to her boss. The mother in me wanted to give her a tight hug, but I held back. I was a complete stranger, holding a copy of her deceased father’s book in my hands. I didn’t want my hug to be perceived as pity. We expressed our sympathies, and I said that I was so happy to have come across her dad’s book.

Samantha Hiaasen (she goes by “Sam,” I later learned) didn’t owe us even one moment of courtesy—not after what she and her family had been through, not with grief they were still enduring. But she was gracious, sweet, and cheerful.

There we were, just over three months since the horrific mass shooting of her dad and his coworkers, days and days of coverage and publicity afterwards, and here was this young woman, with the strength and the courage to be at work, and the heart to be nice to strangers. I couldn’t help thinking—again it was the parent in me and some familiarity with the feeling: Rob Hiaasen would be very proud of the daughter he’d helped raise.

Rick and I excused ourselves and headed off on our individual strolls through the bookstore (he’s magazines, airplanes, and the Civil War; I’m creative nonfiction and the Starbucks café). Sam continued speaking with her boss, and I was soon riding the escalator to the second floor.

I had to force myself to pay attention to where I was going so that I wouldn’t trip at the top of the escalator. My mind was still on what had just happened on the first floor.

But … what had just happened?

Some would call it a coincidental meeting. And they might be right. My husband’s reaction was, “That was pretty wild,” and he moved on. There was no wrestling with it, no trying to find the deeper meaning. I’m sometimes jealous of his and others’ ability to move past such things quickly—not in a cold or insensitive way—but with an attitude of “that happened and now it’s over.”

Being the “there are no coincidences” type of person that I am, however, I’m always looking for the meaning behind these “chance” encounters (see https://tessenterline.com/its-a-mystery/). There’s a transcendent quality to what I feel on occasions such as meeting Sam … occasions that feel more “sacred mystery” than coincidence to me.

Afterwards, I want to linger in what fills me—feelings I can’t quite describe but are too powerful and meaningful to me to, such as on that day, simply slide into the next row of books. Such encounters aren’t upsetting. I guess I’d describe what I feel as a kind of bewildered joy

I’m not trying to sound woo-woo about all this or make too much of that afternoon in Barnes & Noble. It just feels right to me to rest in and acknowledge the times in our lives that intertwine with others in a special way.

But here’s where it goes beyond that.

Another reason why meeting someone like Sam is special is because she has suffered through what has increasingly become, for many of us, one of our worst fears … something we want to believe won’t ever happen to us.

Sam reminds me of my vulnerability, of my humanness, of the ties that bind us all. That in a split second I could be up against the same grief that Sam and so many others have had to face as a result of the violence and hate that are now so common. Seems a rare day when we don’t read or hear about a tragedy somewhere in the world.

However … it provides an opportunity.

And a place from which to grow.

And a reason for which to reach out.

And ways to show our love.

There are so many people out there (in our families, neighborhoods, churches, offices, book clubs, etc.) who are hurting. So many of us are hurting.

We can’t be there for everyone. But maybe we can each pick one extra person to call, visit, write to, or pray for in the coming week, and in the weeks thereafter. Maybe someone (reading this newsletter right now or not) will get in touch with youand say, “Hey, I know it’s a hard time for you right now. Just wanted to check-in and see how you’re doing.” Or, “Wanted to let you know that I’m praying for you.”

Personally, I’m not always eager to get on the phone. Just a quirk of mine. But I love sitting across from a friend in a café and listening. And I love writing notes to people. (see https://tessenterline.com/the-love-note-project/)

So here’s my plan: In this next week I’m going to write a note to Samantha Hiaasen. Get it to her somehow. Not that she’ll remember me … doesn’t matter. I just want to let her know that I’ve been thinking about her … that I’ve been praying for her and her family. That I’ve read her dad’s book … and it’s great!

(Note:  Rob Hiaasen’s book Float Plan was published posthumously by Apprentice House Press, which is associated with the Communication Department at Loyola University Maryland. At the request of Maria Hiaasen, Rob’s wife, a contribution was made by AHP to the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund. To learn more, go to www.everytown.org.)

 (Photo by Paulo Resende on Unsplash)

Writing is my breath

It was such an incidental, fleeting moment … one that didn’t warrant special notice. And yet, I noticed. 

On the evening of May 30, 2017, my daughter, Nikky, and I attended one of the last performances by Sara Bareilles in the lead role of the musical, “Waitress,” on Broadway. Right before the curtain went up, the actors could be seen taking their places behind the somewhat sheer curtain, with an apron-wearing Bareilles front and center. The image of what I saw after she stood on her mark—in those last few seconds before the curtain would rise—captivated me. Bareilles breathed in deeply, held it for a moment … then let it go. The breath was done; she was ready. The breath was part of her preparation. 

Writing is my breath. It is my sustenance … it prepares me to take on the rest of life. To inhale is to contemplate; to exhale is to relax the shoulders, put pen to paper or fingers on the keyboard, and let go of the thoughts that burden my soul or the emotions that light up my heart. Put simply, writing clears my head and makes me feel ready for whatever comes next. 

Writing puts me in “the zone.” When I’m writing—often at Starbucks, always with instrumental music flowing through AirPods—I can tune out most anything or anyone around me, except for the occasional loud talker. I’m not a fast writer; in fact, sometimes I’m painfully slow.  

The joy—I’d go as far as to say the exhilaration—for me (and I’m sure many other writers) comes from the crafting of each sentence. Choosing words, playing with the rhythm and structure of sentences, creating interesting (but hopefully never pretentious) phrasing. There are times when I can sit for hours and never tire of the craft of writing. There are days when I might produce only a few good sentences. Other days I may leave Starbucks feeling wholly disappointed and discouraged. But I live to write another day. 

As you can tell, I’m passionate about writing, which doesn’t mean that I’m always very disciplined about it. Although I often tell myself that I should be more disciplined and have a schedule of what writing project I’m going to work on and when, I’ve yet to accomplish that. I’m pretty easily distracted and am as guilty as the next person when it comes to checking social media when I should be solely-focused on getting the writing done. I’ve started using the Freedom app on my laptop during writing sessions; it enables me to block the websites and other apps that usually tempt me when I’m online. You know the ones: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon. I know many of us go down the same rabbit holes. 

I get a notice on my iPhone each week telling me how much time I’ve spent using it over the previous seven days; this includes both calls and social media. I haven’t done an analysis, but I’m sure social media outnumbers my calls 3 or 4 to one. 

When I received the notice for the first time, my jaw dropped. It had to be a mistake. There was no way I had spent 4 hours and 38 minutes on my phone in a week! Subsequent weeks, each with over four hours of usage, proved me wrong and my annoying phone right. I wish I could say that most of the 4+ hours I’m on my iPhone each week is spent on Google doing research, and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus app. That would be a lie. 

I’m not into following what the Kardashians are up to on the West coast, or if Justin and Hailey were spotted somewhere on the East Coast. But I am kind of sweet on following the news (despite how emotion-provoking it can be these days), and I like keeping up with family and friends on Facebook. And, being the stationery nerd that I am, there are always new pens and notebooks to check out. But my goodness … for 4 or 5 hours a week?!!! 

Now, I realize that that amount of time may be a drop in the bucket when compared with the number of hours that high school and college students—and yes, plenty of adults—rack up on their phones. But here’s the thought that drives me just a little nuts when I consider my cell phone usage: In the amount of time I’ve stared at my iPhone over the past few years, I could have written the first draft of a decent length book, or at least gotten much further on the one I’m already writing. I won’t get that time back. All I can do moving forward is pick up my phone less and my pen more. And for a stationery nerd like me, that’s a challenge I willingly accept. 

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why I feel so passionate about writing. Why has it become so important to me, especially over the past seven years as I’ve been fleshing out my memoir? Why has writing become my breath?

The answer comes down to one word: Stories. 

Now, more than ever, we need to tell our stories. We need to find the common threads of our humanity. We need to share our stories in order to provide comfort to others and find it for ourselves. We need to tell our stories as a way of saying, “I understand” and “I’m with you.” 

Each story I write breathes new life into my way of being in the world. It helps me to reflect on how I’ve made my way so far, perhaps what should change or stay the same going forward. Writing helps me get a better grasp on the “why” of things in life. 

Writing stories is also what breathes life into my connection with each of you. I pray that you hear me saying, “I understand,” and “I’m with you.” 

What is your breath? 

What’s the thing that feeds you and keeps grounded? What prepares you to take on the rest of life? If you’d like to reply and share what that is, I’d love to hear from you. 

(Photo Credit: by Unblock on Unsplash)

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